--- On Sun, 9/28/08, Oren Beck orenbeck@gmail.com wrote:
In a better vanished world? The concept of a person retaining ability to use what had been paid for in a good faith transaction was not questionable. Now with these cases it has become so questionable that DRM itself may be rendered unmarketable.
IF the consumer base having that click or not freedom on DRM locked "IP" has a bad enough association for DRM? Uh-wait- This "DRM" ain't that how youknowwho lost $$$ on all the stuff he and his family "bought" ??? And while much of the "Soccer Mom" or "Family Man" adult world may not YET equate the term "DRM" with all this at the moment, we can bet safely on a major screamfest Real Soon Now.... Hell- if they time this they can have it be breaking news close enough before the "Black Friday" sales as to tank those too! SO all the plans for selling DRM required devices and content as a major $$ this "Black Friday" will be competing with horror stories. Like:
"I lost ALL my downloaded stuff- $$$ worth and it says I have no recourse for my money"
Those types of articles and news stories might not be to enticing a sales pitch for more DRM locked stuff eh??
Exactly. Let the consumers find out exactly what DRM means so there will be millions of people who shout down DRMed music and video later on.