Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
Tom Bruno wrote:
| I'm tired of hitting reply and then realizing my reply went | directly to the person and not the list.
This is (holy|flame)-war ground...
Check out the first two google hits on: reply-to munging:
"Reply-To" Munging Considered Harmful
MetaSystema.Net: Reply-To Munging Considered Useful
My main personal experience with nastiness caused by either method is with our neighborhood e-mail list: When I first brought the list up, some new users were not familiar with the munging feature and send private replies to the list by mistake (simply by hitting reply). Reply-to munging has been disabled ever since...
According to other posts, it's immoral to hide your reply's in private messages ;)
but I do understand the complications, and like i said, I know nothing of why it's setup like this, and have no opinion. I just find it annoying.
And I did it again when i just replied to you, luckly i hit cancel in time.
...and google ranks the "considered harmful" page above the "useful" page, so it must be bad. :-)
Charles Steinkuehler -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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