On Wednesday 27 December 2006 03:36, cragos@gmail.com wrote:
ISP's: If you're gonna go DSL, I recommend that you go with the carrier that owns the wires - SBC/AT&T in most parts of town. Going with a secondary carrier is asking for problems.
Everest has the best customer service of any telecom-type I've used, except may be Virgin Mobile.
2: Kansas vs Missouri, with regards to taxation:
I think income tax is a little higher in MO, but I have heard that tax on vehicles, trailers, etc. can be a lot higher in Kansas. Kansas is having to come up with the money that the Tax-Cut politicians have been shorting the public scools, and they're going to have to do something. (Missouri, meanwhile, has some crazy schemes to catch up with all the work that didn't get done when the Transportation Department's budget was suddenly discovered to just not be there a few years ago.)
4: Where are the decent used computer-parts stores?
New stuff is so cheap these days there's not much money in used. I know a guy in Belton, but he never has anything I can use. Surplus Exchange in the West Bottoms has pretty decent stuff for good prices, but anything like laptops or recent-spec hardware they sell on eBay. I recently picked up a 128M PC100 for $10, but that was the largest they had in stock.
I used to recommend Payless Computers on Wornal near 81st., but it really depends on whether you get the owner or his wife, who are great, or the kid who mostly runs the store these days. The kid will tell you they don't make stuff any more just to sell you all new hardware. There is a good place over on Metcalf at about 76th, 77th on the West side, where Computer Depot used to be, but I can't remember the new name.