Oren, I think you have a valid point there with the "karma" and programmers. I don't see linspire in the same manner as a liberating software, but rather some businessmen cashing in on others works. Reminds me of a hateful article I read, " http://www.vanwensveen.nl/index.html " I especially love the part about "digging great programs out of the trash" bit. However I really don't expect Linspire to be around in five years, Microsoft has a habit of buying and killing it competition.What they don't buy, they do the wal-mart stomp and run it out of business.
I would toss another path in to your thought, free software on the items the majority of consumers have come to expect from their computer, Office software, Internet browser, email program, mp3/dvd player, small "waste 15 minutes" type of games, spyware blocker etc
Beyond that scope a small price for specialized applications. Like autocad, graphic art programs for movie making, the phone-switch interfaces, payroll, time sheets
I guess what I getting at, the stuff normally used at home for the basics; free. The stuff that requires more attention and more hands on, go on the ala carte for the end user