On Tue, 8 Nov 2005 15:18:40 -0600 "Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO" brian.kelsay@kcc.usda.gov wrote:
RedHat has some sort of rollback to RPM. I read about it in Linux Journal. You have to execute extra command parameters at app. install-time. There is a database that is kept of the changes and locations of files.
You're talking about the --repackage option. This essentially builds an RPM out of the files you have on disk ( including configs, etc ) that are supposed to be in that RPM and puts them in /var/spool/repackages/.
If you use up2date, yum, etc I believe you can set it up to always save a rollback on all installs/updates, however I found that it double ( if not tripled ) the time it took to do updates.
--------------------------------- Frank Wiles frank@wiles.org http://www.wiles.org ---------------------------------