--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Monty J. Harder mjharder@gmail.com wrote:
On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 2:55 PM, Jeffrey Watts jeffrey.w.watts@gmail.comwrote:
Toyota ... even mentions the superior resale value of their products in advertising new vehicles.
On a related note, the BBC supercar show "Top Gear", with a long reputation of pulling strange car stunts, did a program on the invulnerability of Toyota pickup trucks. The presenters said they kept seeing terrorists and paramilitary groups all over the world using Toyota pickup trucks, and wanted to see why Toyota kept getting chosen.
So they bought a 13 year old Toyota pickup truck (190,000 miles) and tried to destroy it in rather dramatic and outlandish ways. First some conventional stuff: drove it down a long flight of outdoor concrete stairs, drove it into a tree, left it tied down to the end of a boat ramp and let the tide come in over it for 12 hours. After every attempt on its life, they let a mechanic at it with nothing more than simple tools and no spare parts, and every time the Toyota was coaxed back to drivable condition.
Then they dropped it from a crane, smashed it with a wrecking ball, and put it on the roof of a ten-story building...which was then demolished with explosives. After every attempt on the Toyota, the mechanic used only simple tools and got it running again. They even set the truck on fire and it still ran afterwards.
It's all on YouTube to view, keywords "top gear killing a toyota", parts 1, 2a, and 2b.