--- Jonathan Hutchins hutchins@tarcanfel.org wrote:
On Friday 27 May 2005 09:18 am, Jack wrote:
Ok, this is more an annoyance than anything else.
I suspect I have
something missing in my configuration for courier.
Frequently while I
have an imap session up it will disconnect at the
server and leave
the connection process up on the server.
There seems to be a problem with the current interpretation of IMAP connections. KMail 1.7.1 has problems because it establishes a connection and never closes it. When it attempts to do something over that connection after it has been closed by the server, it throws an error message instead of reconnecting.
I know this really doesn't address your problem, but you might try other clients to see if they close the connection properly. You also might try tweaking the "check mail" interval on TBird.
I've tried all the email clinets installed on the machine and played with the settings on them. My biggest gripe with TBird was that it wiped out all my filter rules for Mozilla Mail when I installed it. Other than that TBird and Mozilla Mail have the same disconnect behavior. KMail doesn't seem to have the same issue, but it is incapable of displaying the digest form of spme of the mailing lists I'm on. It shows them as attachements like squirrelmail does, and I have to open each stinking one of the attachments, which kind of defeats the purpose of getting the list in digest format. I have no desire to install YAEC just to overcome this pain. I just go to the server and sighup the processes. I'd like to figure why they are hanging. The comment about the firewall didn't even occur to me. I've become so used to the firewall that I forget it's there. I'll have to explore that issue. The funny thing is the connection can go down simply by me doing a command like "empty the trash" and then changing mail "directories", which in fact is the most frequent cause for the server disconnect notice.
Thanks, Brian D.
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