-------------- Original message ---------------------- From: Jeffrey McCright jmccright@hotmail.com
As of today Sunday, 4 November 2007, Micro Center at 93rd and Metcalf had only 4 white Eee PC's in the 4 GB Solid State Storage, 512 MB Ram model in stock, none on display but the salesman opened one up out of stock to show me. He did not install the battery or let me power up the system, but it looks nice and is incredibly light. Available colors are White, Black, Silver, pastel pink, and pastel blue. I am going to hold out for the 8GB, 1GB Ram model, myself.
Jeffrey A. McCright, A+ 816-210-3107 jmccright@hotmail.com
Do these have a working wireless card (not just in there for Windows) in them for Wardriving (securing networks)? Right now I am using a bootable cd distro and a USB hard drive or memory stick for my transportation needs, but there are times a laptop would be nice. That is the one application that I both would like to play with, and get tired of having to use a relatives laptop, when he screws up his network for.