I have a dream . . . :)
I use phpwebalbum for my church website and I frequently post photos I take on Sunday mornings to the website. However, with all the photos already posted, it's hard for end users to find the new photos (via the phpwebalbum interface).
So, I decided to create a new folder called WhatsNew. Then, I did a search for any files added to the album in the last 48 hours:
find /path/to/photos -mtime 48 -name '*.jpg'
and piped it to a text file.
Then, I wanted to create symbolic links to the JPG files but I wanted to use the text file to pipe the information to the ln command.
So far, I have been unsuccesful. I guess my next option is to write a script file, but I'm not very good at those yet (beyond really basic ones).
Any suggestions.
Jon Moss jon.moss@cnonline.net