On 3/10/07, Billy Crook billycrook@gmail.com wrote:
Fedora Core 6 I've had the laptop for 2 weeks I'm using ext3, but as I understand, journaling is optional, and I don't know how to check to see if its on. I can tell you that watching it boot, I don't see any consistency checks going on. By init scripts, I assume chkconfig is one way to check/configure those? I haven't yet developed my leet Linux ninja abilities to the point where I'm comfortable trolling around the init directories. I have, however pruned things with chkconfig and gnome's graphical service editor. I'm looking up that preemptible thing right now...
Thanks for your help! -Billy
There's no need to go through those directories if you don't want to. Use the Service configuration tool:
run `system-config-services` or look for the shortcut, usually named "Services" in your menu.
You can turn on/off services and start/stop services. Usually, each service has a brief description of what it does.
More to your question, I believe there's some work being done toward speedier booting in Fedora, my memory is short on the details however.