On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 08:10:02AM -0800, Isaac C. wrote:
Although, I suppose if you were going to try and come up with a really nifty AI, you'd want a thorough knowledge of various logic puzzle solving hueristics often used in such games--like min-max and all that.
I'm having flashbacks from my AI class. We wrote a simple tic-tac-toe game using min-max hueristics.
To keep this message back on track with the thread, I did a little OpenGL programming using wireframe models. You would generate a picture using x/y points in a text file that the professor gave us (it was a dinosaur in this case). The final project was an OpenGL/C++ application that you could zoom/resize/rotate/scale/reset the wireframe. It was all in 2D. It involved a lot of matrix transformations and linear algebra.
Learning the OpenGL concepts like about the buffer, viewport, screen, etc was the most difficult part for me.
It almost hurts my head thinking about it. =)