"Steven Hildreth" sphildreth@gmail.com wrote:
Are we on track with everything else we need?
- Some Handout CD's (from Bill_c and Cymor?)
I've got some CD labels done, but won't have nearly as many as there are CDs. Same as last year.
- Any kind of poster(s)?
I might be getting something going at Kinko's today - I salvaged off a (HD in a dead PC) the POV-RAY source for the bird demoed at http://home.kc.rr.com/mharder/TuxKCLUG.jpg and want to see if I can do something like 11x17 for a reasonable price.
- Printed Handout's of any kind? If nothing else a flyer with some
linux related links might be helpfull
I've updated the business cards with the kclug.org domain on them to show the address of the new downtown library. If we can just get people there, they can hit the Links on the sidebar.
-Someone to be there when ITEC is open? I can be there all day (10-3) on Thursday, if needed.
I'm there all day both days, wearing KCLUG pocket T-shirts, but might want relief to see a keynote or something (or to do Adult Trick-Or-Treating to obtain swag for Monsterette 2).