-----Original Message----- From: Dustin Decker
-----Original Message----- From: kclug-bounces@kclug.org
[mailto:kclug-bounces@kclug.org] On Behalf
Of Brian Densmore Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 1:38 PM To: brad; Subject: RE: OT: generator for ice storm
Please don't feed the trolls.
So at what point, exactly, did my insightful information about the possibility of obtaining a generator on the cheap qualify me as a troll?
At this point:
"/me ignites the fireplace and returns to his book.".
You have to read Brad's email where he asks if you've lost power. Obviously, if you had no power you couldn't send an email. Therefore, implying that you lost power by the above statement could be taken as a troll. ;) Although the above statement could also just mean you like to have a fire going in the fireplace. But taken the context of the subject matter, it is more likely to be read the other way.
I guess I need to be less subtle on my list humor. No offense was intended.
Brian Densmore