I got my Overdrive hotspot tonight, and I promised to write up an impression. So far, it's so so. I had to charge it all the way before it would come on. That's OK as it charged pretty fast. I followed the start up instructions and got the network and password changed, the software updated, no problem. The web interface is pretty nice.
When it first came up it would only connect to 3G. I had to get into the setup and tell it to connect to 4G Only, and then it found a 4G connection. I started doing bandwith tests at speedtest.net using the KCMO server. The first one was pretty miserable, at 0.73MB up and 0.48MB down. That was lame. I put the modem in the window a little further, and I got it to do 1.3M up and 0.92 down. I plugged it in and the speed jumped to 3.5M down but 0.6M up. So, it really helps to have it plugged in and in the window. I'll let you know more once I try it out in some various locations.
OBTW, I tested my RR connection to compare and I got 4.5M down, but only 0.29M up. So the 4G is better on the upload.
That's all for now, Jim