On Nov 16, 2007 1:18 PM, Geoffrion, Ron P [IT] Ron.Geoffrion@sprint.com wrote:
Conspiracy Theory? I like to think of it as Coincidence Analysis. This one was about $20 Million ALD.
Ron Geoffrion 913.488.7664
Saying what one will about details WE have ZERO audit trail or transparency into leaves?
There are enough elements of logic violations in several directions in this scene to raise "Reasonable Doubt". And in the Reality we once had it would and should be subject to Due Process before ever getting a fraction this far. Even accepting the rhetorical clause of "Preserving Evidence " to validate a search-let alone seizure STILL requires Due Process.
Probable Cause IIRC was never intended to be an arbitrary skeleton key into private places. It was intent to PREVENT abuses that defined the terms as they were written. I am NOT a judge or lawyer yet the elements of reasonable doubt were I a JUROR would have me NOT considering the SEIZURE as valid. Search to "Audit" under Tax or Securities guidelines IF any could be shown in force might be a mitigation of harmful intent. Seizure absent a declarable criminal or civil violation of any sort is simple theft!
Back to how this affects our home arena of Linux:
Transparency and Audit Trails both are supposed to be inherent in many places. In software we see what we are able to. In some other areas? There may well be well defined areas where transparency is NOT a Good Idea. Those are so limited and should be hard sectored so to speak. See David Brin's essay for details on how it could become.