I'm about to fire up the duplicator, how many of each should I burn? I have approximatly 100 cdrs to use I can have them there in the a.m.
Unfortunatly I dont have sleeves for them...
On 10/25/06, Leo Mauler webgiant@yahoo.com wrote:
Brandon came by with the shipit Ubuntu/Kubuntu CDs, but there were a lot less than expected and we'll probably run out of the regular Ubuntu CDs today.
We will have some leftover Kubuntu CDs, a decent amount of 64-bit Ubuntu CDs, and about six Mac Ubuntu CDs.
If anyone can put some Ubuntu CDs into CD sleeves and bring them by early Thursday morning, it would be most appreciated. We have tiny cards to stick in CD sleeves so no need to label the Ubuntu CDs you bring.
If you can bring in Mandriva One LiveCDs that would be nice as the sign says we have them, but focus on Ubuntu for now.
--- Luke -Jr luke@dashjr.org wrote:
I have 10 or so shipit Kubuntu discs at home, but I wouldn't be able to get them anywhere till tomorrow...
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