On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 06:44:47 -0700 (PDT) Jack quiet_celt@yahoo.com wrote:
Well, I don't know what effect this has, but on my desktop system, I've put the OOo quickstarter on my control panel and I find that office starts fairly quick for me. First time after the computer wakes up, takes about 6 seconds, and every time after that about 2. I'm running on what can only be considered "old" hardware now, a 1.3 GHz Athlon w/ .5 GB RAM. Of course with only 256 MB RAM it would be slower, I don't get a lot of disc caching anymore. I'm quite happy with OOo these days. Except for some personal quibbles not related to performance.
Spotted this article are on speeding up OOo. I made the changes on my system and it does feel a touch faster. YMMV.
--------------------------------- Frank Wiles frank@wiles.org http://www.wiles.org ---------------------------------