Not the bathrooms or laundry room, huh? Nah, can't go with that! :)
--- Gene Dascher wrote:
If I'm overstepping my bounds by doing this, I'm sorry. I have been a subscriber to the list (under a different email address) for many years and have attended some meetings, but few people probably know me.
My wife and I are going to be putting our house up for sale by owner soon, but I wanted to see if there was anyone on the list who was looking for a house in the KC area. More specifically, it is in Raymore, which is about 10 miles south of the Grandview Triangle on 71 Highway.
I am in the process of putting together a web site with all of the information, but I do have PDF documents with that info, as well as average utility bills for the past couple of years, that I can provide to anyone who might be interested.
To make this ON TOPIC, every room in the house, with the exception of the bathrooms and laundry room, have been wired for network access.
Reply to this email address if you would like to receive more information or have any questions.
Again, sorry if anyone is offended by this, but I thought that this would be a good place to start.
Thanks, Gene Dascher
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