On 9/28/07, cragos@gmail.com cragos@gmail.com wrote:
FLOSS for Windows: TheOpenCD: It was a nice package, but the big stuff was already on the Ubuntu LiveCDs. At least as recently as the last LTS build, they were shipping with Windows installers for OOo, Firefox, and one other app (Thunderbird or GAIM?). In Edgy Eft, they were shipping with AbiWord, GAIM, Thunderbird, Firefox, and the Gimp.
For most people that aren't ready to install Linux yet, that's a pretty good sampling of FLOSS. I've always liked having something for them, and the fact that Ubuntu works 3 different ways (Windows FLOSS, Live Linux, Installed Linux) all on one CD has made it my fave since they first
It might be best to do a sheet of printed material with URLs of various resources, but we might as well just put that on kclug.org so it's clickable.
Gotta remember to get some more blank business cards....