Quoting Jason Clinton me@jasonclinton.com:
Cerner has just set out to hire 400 new people, from what I hear. In general, companies are more willing to spend a little on technology than they were last year. I just went out on my own doing consulting and it's been good so far.
You're self employed now?
My brother left his full time gig a couple of months ago and has been hitting the pavement hard in Lawrence. He's undercutting the competition a bit, but is making more than he was making at his old job, although not if you factor in benefits. He's been surprised at how many businesses are needing help and are willing to pay for it.
I heard professionals on the radio a few weeks back speculating that '05 should be a growth year for IT in the south and midwest, but that the east coast would be flat or have negative growth.
-- Dave Hull http://insipid.com