On Fri, October 15, 2004 10:38 am, linux@bizniche.com said:
To: KCLUGkclug@kclug.org Envelope-To: linux@bizniche.com
That makes for easy filtering...either by the kclug addy, or by the Envelope-To address, which would be more comprehensive it seems.
When I use fetchmail to get the same message, I see: To: KCLUGkclug@kclug.org Envelope-To: mdg@localhost
So, when that 'Envelope-To' changes, I lose any idea (from the headers) as to what address it was fetched from. There is no more record of linux@bizniche.com anywhere.
This procmailrc tries to identify mailing lists (mailman, Yahoo groups, etc) by using various headers that they use. You can subscribe to new lists, and it would automatically create the new folder for you.
For your multi-mailbox setup you could have a structure something like:
INBOX INBOX.mailacct1 INBOX.mailacct1.somefolder INBOX.mailacct2 INBOX.mailacct2.somefolder INBOX.mailacct3 INBOX.mailacct3.somefolder INBOX.lists INBOX.lists.kclug
Is this something of what you're looking for?
This is nearly what I'm looking to do. What I really want to do, is..
_Anything_ that comes to linux@bizniche.com goes in one folder, doesn't matter if it was sent to the address directly, or to a list like kclug.
_Anything_ that comes to matt@bizniche.com goes in another folder, no matter where it comes from.
I'm not so interested in filtering based on content yet...just by the account it was sent to.
Am I way off? Are things just not done this way?