Slight change of plans, I will drop the tables by Tomorrow (20041026) around 10:30.
Are we on track with everything else we need?
My thoughts on stuff: - The banner (from Hald?) - Some Handout CD's (from Bill_c and Cymor?) - Machines to demo stuff (I have a P4 Winbook running a fresh install of Sarge Debian with a good selection of apps installed that I can leave (someone keeps an eye on it..)) - Networking (will they have wireless (again my notebook has a working wireless card configured) do we need/have a wireless switch, or wired switch? - Chairs - Any kind of poster(s)? - Printed Handout's of any kind? If nothing else a flyer with some linux related links might be helpfull -Someone to be there when ITEC is open? I can be there all day (10-3) on Thursday, if needed.
Regards, Steven (Tallen)
On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 17:08:00 -0500, djgoku wrote:
On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 11:20:57 -0500, Dustin Decker wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Monty J. Harder Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 9:47 AM To: Chris Bier; Subject: Re: Graphic for CD Labels from last year's ITEC
Are we definitely going to have Knoppix CDs again?
Any coordination at all here, or do we live up to our name as a non-organization?
Good question... it's been awfully quiet on list with Tuesday quickly approaching. Do we need tables, chairs or carpet? I have some folding chairs and I *think* the ex prolly has a folding table we can borrow. I also have a couple of cheap Persians for the floor if needed.
I'm in a sedan now however, and can't really move any of it.
Kclug mailing list
Jon or John (kepht) is going to Tallen's house on Tuesday morning at 10AM? to pick up 2 x 6x3 tables. Don't know about the carpet or chairs.
-- dj_goku
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