I think this document could also have references to Microsoft Windows edited out of it, for use as Linux promotional material. For example, the words "proprietary operating systems" could be used in place of "Microsoft Windows", as there are multiple proprietary operating systems in use (Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, even OS/2 in some shops).
25 Reasons to Convert to Linux
I thought I might try to combine bullet points from these documents praising Linux, sans Microsoft bashing, and put most of them together into a nice trifold brochure.
I just found a really nice OpenOffice.org 2.0 trifold brochure template and I'm doing up all kinds of brochures now for myself and other people.
--- Chris Bier chris.bier@cymor.com wrote:
Leo Mauler wrote:
Also, with a little updating and removal of what little Windows bashing exists in the document, the "Why Linux?" document on SEUL.org would make a good set of positive Linux PR talking points to keep in mind when manning the ITEC booth. The document was last updated in 1998 so I suspect a bit has changed since then.
That looks good. Do we have a schedule of who is planning on manning the booth and when?
Maybe a "Try Linux for FREE!" or "FREE Linux CDs!" poster, too.
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