--- Jon Pruente jdpruente@gmail.com wrote:
On 8/17/05, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO brian.kelsay@kcc.usda.gov wrote:
Knoppix 4.0 is due to be released. I checked yesterday and it was not on the mirrors in the US yet.
I've downloaded the KNOPPIX 4.0 DVD, German edition, it works decently enough except that the keyboard mapping is some weird DVORAK-like layout. Finding the "equals" sign was very difficult.
We could also do some damnsmalllinux and Mepis disks. I have at least 2 PCs that can burn at home. Tell me your pleasure.
How does anyone feel about some of the up-and-comers, like BeatrIX (www.watsky.net), or Puppy (www.puppylinux.org)? Ubuntu Lite is a project I've been watching (and posting to the Google Group some) and they seem to be starting something nice for low-end machines, but they certainly aren't at a point of handing it out randomly yet.
Bea and Puppy do nice LiveCDs, and have support for HD installs. Bea is known to support WINE/Crossover Office for that Winders hankering... And both are designed for mini or credit card CDs. I think the "cute" factor can entice some people as freebies to try out.
Bea has Beatrix the cat as the mascot, and Puppy has Puppy the chihuahua as the mascot.
I've tried the BeaTRIX LiveCD, its cute and is feature-packed.
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