--- Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
... (important when you have 2 year old twins who have figured out the eject button on the DVD player!).
I feel your pain. Imagine having a 18 month old who figured out how to use the eject button at the ripe age of 15 months and not only that but knows how to load and unload tapes and dvds, switch the buttons (although this may be dumb luck), open the dvd holders. Thankfully the doors are too hard for her to open yet. Putting videos up high doesn't work it only adds to the excitement, by incorporating a climbing expedition to the retrieval of "CARE BEARS!". God if I see the Care Bear Movie one more time ...
It annoys me I have to use a windows program to 'rescue' my damaged DVDs, but I have yet to find anything on linux that handles read errors effectively.
I've noticed Linux has problems dealing with read errors on all sorts of devices. A read error tolerence module would be a nice addition to the Linux core. I have noticed that some devices and some drivers are better at this than others. For example my Plextor devices have always dealt better with anomolies than my Lite-On DVD Writer and any non-Plextor removable storage I've owned.