(Arthur--sorry you got this twice...that pesky "reply" vs. "reply to all" business...)
On 5/22/07, Arthur Pemberton pemboa@gmail.com wrote:
On 5/21/07, Jim Herrmann kclug@itdepends.com wrote:
I have come up with the chorus to a song that I think you will all love. It's called "Embrace the Penguin", which will essentially be encouragement for people move over to the world of open source freedom. What I would like to do with the verses, if you like the idea, is turn them into sort of open source verses, and come up with them collaboratively. It's difficult to create art in a multi-opinion collaborative process, but I think it can be done. I will retain the "project lead" position for myself, so the final "commits", if you will, would be my responsibility, but I would like any and all input. I think we would just have to work together on the poetry, and I'll work out the music. Anyway, here's the chorus:
Embrace the Penguin Walk away from Redmond Embrace the Penguin Step into freedom If you believe in living free of corporate monopolies then won't you please join with me and Embrace the Penguin
So what should be in the verses?
Let's have some fun.
Peace, Jim
These kinda things lead others to liken OSS to a religion, don't you think?
Maybe, but the tune from "Don't Fear The Reaper" seems to work for the chorus. :-)
Some potential bits for verses...
My friend sent me a .doc file Cost him two hundred bucks to make I opened it with OpenOffice How much money did that take?
My dad called me up in a panic A virus really had him in tears I really did try to empathize But I haven't thought of viruses in years