Michael Moore actually is a reasonable guy. It's the Corporate Media Cartels that have painted him as a nut job. They must be very afraid of him, so they fill the corporate owned airwaves with FUD about his work. Anyone that has actually watched his movies knows that he is just trying to get some answers to tough questions. Watch Roger and Me if you don't believe me. Yes, he may present facts from his view point, but that doesn't make him a nut job. It makes him an activist, yes, but a nut job, no. He never tries to sell his movies as fair and balanced, unlike the right wing nut jobs, truly nut jobs, on Faux News. Actually on Faux News they're not so much nut jobs as they are just corporate shills. Anything left of fascism is some how unpatriotic. WTF?
There is a conspiracy, but I don't think it's an organized conspiracy, but rather the results of powerful people over time buying the people who make the laws and slanting the rules of the game to favor more powerful people. He who has, gets. He who does not have is screwed. Not what Thomas Jefferson had in mind. I don't think Jesus would approve either, to tie it back to religion in the original post. What ever happened to running out the money changers, and all that?
Peace is still a good idea, Jim
Leo Mauler wrote:
Actually, "this guy" makes Michael Moore sound like a reasonable guy. :)