--- On Fri, 6/17/11, thomas@redhat.com thomas@redhat.com wrote:
From: thomas@redhat.com thomas@redhat.com Subject: Re: CompUSA Sale To: kclug@kclug.org Date: Friday, June 17, 2011, 2:23 PM -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
On 06/17/2011 04:17 PM, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
My dad forwarded this add to me: http://www.compusa.com/email/compusa/COMEM853.asp?SRCCODE=COMEM853TT&cm_...
Looks like it might be a pretty good deal - any
Well, it was a good CPU in its day, for sure. 99% of reviewers on NewEgg gave it 4 or 5 eggs.
Thing is, it's EOL: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103648
So you're buying an obsolete CPU. Not necessarily a bad
EOL? I run my business desktop on this obsolete CPU. Maybe not this exact model, but close enough. There are still plenty of systems on the market that are far less powerful than this. I wouldn't EOL it just yet. It still falls in the middle range of rankings of currently available CPUs. Nothing stellar, but more than enough to power Dad's PC. It's got 8GB of RAM and a 1.5 TB drive and a 1GB video card. That's a rock solid deal. Heck you should buy this deal just for that. You can always get a better CPU, but with that video card, I doubt you'll need it.
I may get 4 for my render farm.