I don't know about the laptops, but my experience with VIA CPUs has been that you take the stated CPU speed, lets say 800Mhz, divide by two, getting 400Mhz, and this is the speed it will actually run at. It just runs way too slow when compared to similar machines (my 850Mhz Duron runs almost twice as fast as the 1Ghz Via)
But if you're prepared to take the speed hit, go for it, it sounds like a cheap option.
--- lerninlinux@comcast.net wrote:
I've half been thinking about that Via laptop that Walmart sells. Anyone have a Via processor that they have experience with? By no means would it be a power machine, and the memory would be upgraded, I just want data portability, network diagnostics capibility, and a chance to play around with War Driving. All but the Wardriving could be acheived by a modded Briefcase computer I've been threatening to build, out of an old 900 (either amd or intel ) I have.
I've been looking to upgrade my machines possibly, but if this is a No on the Via, then I'll probably just wait as I am arguing with myself over an AMD 64 desktop of Laptop for my next system.
Thanks Randal _______________________________________________ Kclug mailing list Kclug@kclug.org http://kclug.org/mailman/listinfo/kclug
===== And I always thought: the very simplest words Must be enough. When I say what things are like Everyone's heart must be torn to shreds. That you'll go down if you don't stand up for yourself Surely you see that.
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