On Tuesday 23 September 2008, Leo Mauler wrote:
Hans Reiser, the developer of the Reiser filesystem, murdered his wife Nina Reiser about 2 years ago (to avoid hefty child support payments), was convicted of the crime, has already shown authorities where he buried her body, and is about to start a 15-years-to-life prison term for that murder. As the primary developer of the Reiser filesystem, and owner of the Namesys company which develops ReiserFS (which is unable to pay any employee's salary while he is incarcerated), Reiser4 development ground to a halt during his trial, and is likely to simply die off.
I'm not trying to justify murder, nor do I care or use ReiserFS in any revision, but with the abuse from both Nina and the state, I don't think Hans carries the full guilt of his crime nor should be portrayed in that light.