Here's a question: just what does OOo use Java for? If its something most people don't use, then I'd feel better about turning off Java (like the article suggests).
I've always been worried about installing OOo before installing Java because of that screen during the OOo installer demanding a Java installation. If I don't really need Java for OOo then I'd much prefer not to run it with OOo.
--- Frank Wiles wrote:
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 06:44:47 -0700 (PDT) Jack wrote:
Well, I don't know what effect this has, but on my desktop system, I've put the OOo quickstarter on my control panel and I find that office starts fairly quick for me. First time after the computer wakes up, takes
about 6
seconds, and every time after that about 2. I'm running on what can only be considered "old" hardware now, a 1.3 GHz Athlon w/ .5 GB RAM. Of course with only
MB RAM it would be slower, I don't get a lot of
caching anymore. I'm quite happy with OOo these
Except for some personal quibbles not related to performance.
Spotted this article are on speeding up OOo. I made the changes on my system and it does feel a touch faster. YMMV.
Frank Wiles
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