This is certainly true of browsing the web, I've found very few websites which don't demand a maximized window to view the page properly.
I suspect this is the natural consequence of ad-supported websites: the ad-supported sites shove content out of the way to display ads in less than a maximized window environment; the majority of websites are ad-supported; so naturally web designers design their pages to the lowest common denominator, which demands a maximized window.
--- Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
Something that's been skirted in this discussion is the idea that the whole point of a windowing environment is that no one application takes all of the resources - they share the screen, so whatever the screen's maximum resolution is, any given app should take _less_ than that for it's standard resolution.
That's been something that's frustrated me. We have this ideal of multiple working windows, but unless you're on some super-pricey graphics workstation you're usually reduced to maximizing each application in turn to make the most of your resources.
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