Quoting Jonathan Hutchins hutchins@tarcanfel.org:
What's it take to learn Solaris administration if you're well grounded in Linux?
I've been using Linux for since the early '90s. Until a year and a half ago, I'd only worked with Solaris a little bit, but where I've been working for the last 15 months, we've got a few Solaris boxes. It's not too bad, though I still consider myself a Solaris newbie. There's package management for quite a few things, the basics of system admin will be familiar to you, but somethings will have different names, etc.
We're actually going to be replacing our Solaris boxes with Linux boxes because they are so much cheaper and all the students we're hiring have experience with Linux not Solaris. I really think Sun is going to have to make themselves over again, if they want to survive.
I know some of you run Sun hardware, but you tend to install Linux on it, don't you?
We're running a mix of Solaris 8 and 9.
-- Dave Hull http://insipid.com