On 3/19/07, Jared jared@hatwhite.com wrote:
I reject SI byte units *because* they are SI/metric, not just because I'm used to the original units.
Count me in the minority among geeks, but I do also. The British system is superior to the French "innovation" Rather, an informed one who has no interest in blindly following SI/metric because I know the 200-year-old political agenda behind it, which I still have no interest in supporting, for
Imagine me, of all people, not wanting to get into your political discussion...
If you oppose SI, then why would you want to use its terminology? The prefixes 'kilo', 'mega', and 'giga' were used in SI long before there were computers with 1024 bytes of memory to count. There's got to be some British terms that can be applied to the task, although it's more likely they'd have to apply to a number like 1760 (yds/mi) or 112 (the number of pounds in a British 'hundredweight') or somesuch.