The article that got me thinking about this is here: They are even raising the SimplyMepis version to 6.0 to match the Ubuntu release number. This was probably a natural progression from the DCC Alliance joining.
More below.
-----Original Message----- From: Tom Bruno Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 8:17 AM
Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:
Who in our group is actually using these distros? I'm interested in the ease of updating and stability after doing so compared to Mepis, HDD installed Knoppix and regular Debian or any other
Debian-based distro.
I've tried tons of LiveCDs, used Mepis quite a bit and never had success with plain old Debian installing as a desktop. I like Mepis out of the box, though like any distro you find little bits
that don't
work or you don't like. Mepis is switching to the Ubuntu
repositories with the next release, in order to get more stable
being no difference between ubuntu and kubuntu at all except the default install. ( you can even have both installed even) ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages.
I've been using dapper drake since about the mid of Feb.. it is
Love it. Hardware just works, stuff just works, and its sweet. I use Kubuntu, but I login to the Ubuntu gnome stuff just to see how it is going with development. I've had no stability problems at all, even in this beta stage. Plus, with k/ubuntu you get a lot of software that is used but "not included" in Debian when you enable universe and multiverse repo's as well as backports.
What are universe and multiverse repos? Does K/Ubuntu use apt-pinning? Does this interfere or limit what packages you install to them? I may have run into a similar problem that Jhutchins had with his Gentoo and the Wacom crap the other day. I try to remove some package from Mepis that I will never use. E.g. Gtkpod for ipod support, and a whole crap load of stuff is going to be removed by apt-get. Makes it hard to gain space my removing what you don't need. Or do a apt-get update and upgrade and a whole slew of stuff stops working right.