The address is: Vital Support Systems 2700 Bi-State Dr. Suite 500 Kansas City, MO 64108
Here is the Mapquest link to the address. If you use Google it will not find it. Mapquest does have it. history=&searchtab=home&formtype=address&popflag=0&latitude=&longitude=& name=&phone=&level=&cat=&address=2700+Bi-State+Dr&city=Kansas+City&state =MO&zipcode=
Basically, if you are on I-35 and exit at Cambridge Circle then turn North and go up the hill. Turn right at the first road and continue up the hill. Turn left into the first parking entrance and go past the KONE Escalator/Elevator office to the middle of the building and you will see the name on the door right before you get to the Trane Air Conditioner offices. If you have problems with how to get here on Tuesday evening give me a call at 816-985-0799.
See all of you on Tuesday...