Almost 50 year old tube circuits not powered in 20 years? Not too shabby. :)
I use homemade tube circuits in my stereo amps, and have seen 70 year old tubes work great. What has the shortest life in a circuit ain't the tubes, it's the damn capacitors. And that old tv probably has a lot of oil caps in it, that are quite expensive (relative to $.02 electolytics) to drop in, course you can refiddle it to use cheap caps, but you had better have a sync generator. Flybacks are prone fail also, and not really replaceable (anymore). Tubes are easy to find right now, an RCA recieving tube manual will give you some tube equillavencies. Also good to have a tube tester. My 'portable' tester is pocket sized 40 lb beast.
On Mar 9, 2005 11:55 PM, crash 3m wrote:
I ran acrossed a Zenith TV from 1958, model c2358W chassis 18c20. I havent tested it but the unit itself looks to be in good condition (there is a dark stain on the top, and the knobs are worn.) It was said to be working the last time it was plugged in (over 20 years ago.) I was going to dump it, but thought I would see if there are any collectors of vintage electronics that might want to take it off my hands. I am located in Lee's Summit. If there are any takers please email me back off list a.s.a.p. First response takes it.
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