On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 1:29 AM, Oren Beck orenbeck@gmail.com wrote:
I am damned if I have easy answers beyond the warning scream that if at ITEC for example a walkerby or lookylou idly punches up their favorite website on a demo Linux machine- and they see "placeholders" or "click to see image" or anything other than the site rendering as it does on their Flash laden home machine- WE FAIL.and so does Linux... Same with Audio.
Fail? I don't think so. Success or failure depends on the criteria of evaluation. If one is presenting "An alternative web browsing experience without all that intruding multimedia!" you have described a successful demonstration.
Its not like you get your geek points revoked if the bump in slashdot registrations after ITEC is under your quota.