Well, what you can see is the Hitchhikers movie. I've been assured from competent sources that most of the new stuff (including Arthur's love interest) are the late Douglas Adams' creations.
I've seen it, and its a competent retelling of the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy mythos, plus some extras (the literal "slapstick" is also a Douglas Adams creation). The guy from Planet Magrathea wanted to see the same story again and he was rightfully disappointed, but if you think of it as a retelling rather than an attempt to tell the same story, it works rather well.
My only complaints are that they overused the Vogons, and Arthur Dent acting more like an American Action Hero than a British Arthur Dent at the end of the movie. He's Arthur Dent, stuff happens to him, he doesn't happen to stuff!
Watch for cameos by Simon Jones, the original Marvin body, and Douglas Adams (his head).
--- "Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO" brian.kelsay@kcc.usda.gov wrote:
Made me laugh:
Re:I don't trust him (Score:3, Funny)
Seriously though, even if RotS is every bit as dark and well-written (and freakin' well-acted please!) as one could hope, am I the only one who is beyond giving a damn?
Looking at the last 2 from Lucas, it would be like having a 3-course meal where the final dish was fantastic but the first 2 gave you projectile-vomiting food poisoning. No real way to salvage the meal.
If I do see it, it'll be the DVD rental. A $5 rental for the entire family is all I'm willing to risk.
Re:I don't trust him (Score:5, Funny) I'm on the verge of not downloading it...
after the Phantom Plot, and Attack of the Cloned Wooden Actors, there's no faint spark of hope that RotS won't suck donkey balls. Expect a total letdown. Jar Jar? Check. Hayden Cristensen? Check. Cartoon Yoda? Check. Yup, it's gonna suck. I pity tha fools.
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