Message from syslogd@justice at Fri Dec 8 15:29:07 2006 ... justice kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold
when I was fiddling with the BIOS of my fancy new 1U server, I set "fan always on" to "turn fan on when exceeding temperature" but apparently the temperature there is not low enough to blow the heat out when I do something CPU-intensive (such as run my .sig for twenty minutes)
Who knows how to find out what the current temperature is? Is it in /proc/misc or somewhere?
This new-fangled magic is beyond me; in my days when the computers overheated, they simply caught fire and halted.
-- perl -le'1while(1x++$_)=~/^(11+)\1+$/||print'
lm-sensors is pretty useful. There are several x/kde/gnome clients that will read data based on this client and libs.
smartmon-tools is also helpful for monitoring the temp and status of harddrives.