--- Luke -Jr luke@dashjr.org wrote:
... Also try not to compare apples and oranges. :)
That is, if you're comparing *window managers*, compare them to KWin, not to all of KDE. And don't include kdelibs in your comparison unless you're prepared to include the libraries used by Other WM.
But who would install KWin and not the rest of KDE? I think you have to look at the whole package. KDE4 installs with KDElibs and the rest of the KDE4 pieces. XFCE installs with it's libraries and tools. And by the way XFCE is as lightweight as it used to be. I think Fluxbox may take the crown now, but last time I tried fluxbox all I got was flusterboxed.
I agree with the apples to apples thing but let's not disguise an apple as an orange. ;') When you run a window manager you really are wanting to run the apps that are part of the package the window manager generally comes set up with. Most people don't roll their own desktop anymore. So, it does make true apple-apple comparisons difficult.
That said, KDE 3.5.8 on my machine with nothing much running chunks out 1.5 GB of my 2 GB of RAM. Holy cow! But I may have had an empty OOo running, and firefox. You know we had a name for kids like this growing up. ;')