--- Jon Pruente jdpruente@gmail.com wrote:
I also don't think there's a rollback: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/ 15631 But you can try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto as linked to from that first link.
I'm thinking I'm going to want to re-install completely if it comes to downgrading Ubuntu, mostly because of the last line after the last step in downgrading Ubuntu:
"The last step probably will end up a catastrophic mess of incompletely installed packages."
Since the dawn of time, going back to an older version of nearly any software has resulted in chaos, so I suppose it was a bit too naive of me to think that Ubuntu wasn't going to follow The Laws Of Software (with apologies to Issac Asimov for stealing and re-wording his concept).
The First Law: "Software is allowed to harm your data, or, through inaction, allow your data to come to harm."
The Second Law: "Software will not follow direct orders of humans, especially when those orders concern not harming your data."
The Third Law: "Software may commit ritual suicide on a regular basis, especially if it will harm your data."
There's also the Zeroth Law: "Software is allowed to harm other peoples' data too, or, through inaction, allow other peoples' data to come to harm."
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