Sounds to me like you should draw yourself a diagram of what each group
of files has for permissions, what are all the users and groups involved
and their effective permissions. Quite possibly you may just need to
add the virtual domain admin users to some group or add user apache to
the virtual domain group so the apache process can write. Do the php
pages have to write anything to the virtual domain directories? Even if
it's just a log file, then that user is denied. Do all of the virtual
domains wrote to the database? I didn't understand that part. If so,
then for one I wouldn't do it that way. They should each have their own
database. Also, if you have this: rw-r--r--, then the group can't write
only the specific user, but you may need to add the user you run the
database as or the php process in somewhere. Hell, I'm confused now.
User Group
Apache apache web process and /var/www/html
Virtual1 virtual1 Domain1
Virtual2 virtual2 Domain2
Virtual3 virtual3 Domain3
Database database database files
Hint: Don't refer to them as one domain or another, use more concrete
terms. You've got so much going on, I'm confuse now. Back to my nap.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: kclug-bounces(a) []
>On Behalf Of Jack
>Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 6:41 PM
>To: Jonathan Hutchins; kclug(a)
>Subject: Re: PHP safe mode on virtual hosts
>Apache is running as apache. The file permissions are
>rw-r--r-- on all the directories accessed by apache or
>php. Each virtual webspace has it's own user and the
>group is the same as the user. So website-1 has file
>ownership of say admin1.admin1 and this is in the
>user and group as defined in the chrooted apache
>httpd.conf. AS I said, I compared two sites and have
>yet to see any configuration difference. In either the
>httpd.conf or it's included files or in the php.ini
>--- Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins(a)> wrote:
>> On Monday 13 June 2005 01:22 pm, Jack wrote:
>> > ... one site
>> > works if the files in the chrooted /var/www/html
>> > directory are owned by a authorized admin for the
>> > virtual host, the other works only if that
>> directory
>> > and the files are owned by root.
>> Who's apache running as? What are the file
>> permissions? User? Group?