ISP recommendations

Rex Deaver rdeaver at
Fri May 28 12:28:21 CDT 2004

Leo J Mauler <webgiant at>
>Another problem with DSL is that it is rather difficult to share it over a
>router. YMMV, but a friend of mine chose to break his contract with SBC
>DSL rather than put up with only one computer at a time connected to
>broadband Internet.

Your friend either needs a better router or needs to RTFM for the one he has. Any home networking 
router should be configureable for PPPoE...and therefore will keep the connection up 24/7 and 
available to any node on the network.  My Barricade has worked flawlessly with SBC. It worked 
flawlessly with cable before that, it was just the (Comcast) cable that sucked.

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