ENOUGH [Was: Re: Stop top posting, please.]

Michael Brailsford brailsmt at yahoo.com
Sat May 24 01:41:59 CDT 2003

> Okay. I've heard quite enough.
> As the original poster of the this silly little request, I'm asking that
> this thread be killed. I never intended to be bitchy -- it was simply a
> request. I certainly never thought it would turn in to a flame war. To
> be honest, I don't like top posting, but it won't kill me to read your
> top post.

That is like saying that you didn't know that a subject like "emacs
users are stupid, vim users rule" would start a flame war.  There are few sure
flamebait topics in the world of linux.  Top posting is one of them,
editors is another, tabs v spaces another, and the list goes on and on.

All of the flamebait topics that I can think of usually have to deal
with conventions or personal opinions that are about as likely to change
as the rocky mountains are to pick up and move to Missouri.

Disclaimer:  Though I use vim, I don't think that emacs users are
stupid.  Just masochistic to like all those meta-control-shift multikey
key combos.  :)

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