Fun stuff -- SOAP/PHP

Bradley Miller bradmiller at
Sat Oct 26 00:11:02 CDT 2002

Lately I've been hankering to figure out some stuff on web services.  Right
now I'm knee deep into a career/job site and we've decided on using
ColdFusion MX with Flash MX Remoting.  Basically the ColdFusion MX can give
us a web service that we can consume with the Flash MX software.  It's
pretty darn tricky -- but alas I want to play and don't have ColdFusion MX
on a local box.  I then started getting into the PHP version of things and
downloaded and am in the process of figuring out the nusoap.php software.
These web services are pretty slick little things -- I'm redesigning my
huge project and need a decent weather blurb.  I'm
thinking that with the web services portion I can have PHP grab a web
service for weather, build the graphics on the fly (graphics library) and
then build a custom weather sticker for the site that has the advertiser's
branding.  I'll let you know of the progress . . . it should be fun.  

What you can do with open source programming never fails to disappoint.  Of
course I recently put Dreamweaver MX on my box locally and I think I might
have a viable alternative to my ColdFusion Studio (Homesite).   Sometime
soon I'm going to build another box that will be a Linux box (Mandrake 9
perhaps) and I'll run VMWare and build a virtual PC for my Windoze crap.  I
just need a fast enough box that I at least feel like I've stepped up from
the P400 with NT.  ;-)

Bradley Miller, Owner/Programmer/Designer
AccessZone Design -
Blue Springs, Missouri
Phone: 816-228-3814		Fax: 775-254-6162
Toll-free: 888-872-4420	ICQ: 48555780 

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