Syslog and/or logrotate problem

Brad Crotchett brad at
Sat Oct 26 12:18:40 CDT 2002

>You shouldn't need to rotate your logs more than once a week.

I think this might take care of it.  I was thinking backwards on the
rotation.  Today the logs look fine, I guess we'll see when they rotate

>Those are backticks ( the key that shares space with the tilde ~ ) that are
>surrounding the cat command, not the single qoute (the key that shares with
>double quote " ). It tells the shell to execute the statement contained and
>pass it's output to the called program. Try it again with backticks.

Ok, makes sense, thanks for the clarification. There were no errors running
the command properly.

Thanks everyone for the help.  When the logs rotate next I will let you know
the results  :)


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