Meetings' Structure was: How is ITEC going?

Robert Kennedy erwin_k_r at
Sat Oct 12 14:10:22 CDT 2002

--- Jim Herrmann <JimH at> wrote:
> Steve makes a good point.  Perhaps our group is
> growing enough that more structure is warranted.  I
> think the "Installfest" and "Demoday" concepts are 
> out dated.

Don't know about that. More newbies means more people
wanting to install duel boot machines and/or get Linux
to run on unusual hardware. (Rhetorical Question:
Could anyone get YDL to run on an Amiga with a PPC
processor? I've got one at work.)

> Linux is moving on, and so should our group.  I    
> think having someone show off some piece of software
> each meeting would be a great idea.

No argument there.

> The software being demonstrated would not have to be
> the latest, coolest, greatest, most obscure piece of
> We're going to have a more and more newbies showing
> up to the meetings, and it would probably be good to

> have someone extolling the virtues of Kmail,       
> Mozilla, Konqueror, Galeon, Evolution, Xine, XMMS,  
> Gphoto, KDE desktop, Gnome desktop, IceWM, 
>, GNUcash, Koffice, Eroaster,
> X-CD-Roast, Kate, KDevelop, Gcc, Desktop Themes,   
> User Administration, Package installation, compiling
> kernals, compiling applications, PDA use, video    
> editing, chat clients, Ghost Script/Ghost View, VNC,
> remote shells, remote X windows, FTP clients, etc. 
> etc.

Explaining MIME types would be one topic I'd sit thru.
Some programs tell you each file is a MIME type
without specifying any details. Is it sound, graphic,
explosive, or whatever.
> My point is, there is plenty of opportunities for
> people to show off stuff they use all the time.  We
> don't need to prepare handouts and write up a big 
> presentation, we just need to show people how to use
> the tools that people use everyday.
> Thanks for your time,
> Jim Herrmann  (first names aren't enough anymore)

Thanks, Jim. Good food for thought.

Bob Kennedy

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