Structuring of KCLUG [Was: Re: How is ITEC going?]

Patrick M pert at
Tue Oct 15 15:49:03 CDT 2002

Jason, the first 20-30 minutes can be newbie time. Why add the structure 
of another day when you can just start with something, and break up into 
social hour (kclug already meets twice a month a tuesday and wednesday). 
If you are not interested in the presentation then come 20 minutes late 
or go strait to Dennys. I know Kclug has had some focus in the past.... 
Discussion of various topics, TCP/IP, firewalls, etc. Just put up a 
schedule and mention it in the meeting reminder.

Being held at a library kclug should be more educational and less 
"social". Kulua is social, and it is more accepted/understood to be that 
way since it is held at homes. -- there technical stuff is talked about 
in IRC, and even a little via email.

As far ad Beginner vs experienced, Split the room in two, wait till 
after the initial presentation is over, or designate tuesdays and 
wednesdays to be different, or mention the skill level of the project of 
the day and welcome all.

Jason Clinton wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Jim Herrmann wrote:
> | Steve makes a good point.  Perhaps our group is growing enough that 
> more
> | structure is warranted.  I think the "Installfest" and "Demoday"
> concepts are
> | out dated.  Linux is moving on, and so should our group.  I think 
> having
> | someone show off some piece of software each meeting would be a great
> idea.
> | It wouldn't have to be the whole meting, just 20-30 minutes of it.  
> If we


>   We could see if the library would be
> willing to give us additional time for teaching linux classes or "newbie
> nights". I don't think would should try to change what we're doing now
> because it seems to serve it's purpose rather well: connecting Linux 
> people.
> I would be willing to teach some classes and I have access to LCD
> projectors.

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