JOBOP - Sprint Job

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Mon Oct 23 17:21:25 CDT 2000

Two notes, since some folks had trouble with this.  First, send emails to
me, watts at  Second, my opinion matters in this, so I suggest
that you at least make an attempt to use grammar, punctuation marks (like
those little "." things), and run the whole mess by a spelling checker.  I
don't like dewDz, I don't like d00dspeek, and I don't want to work with
them, so if I even sense a d00d, your resume goes to /dev/null.

I'm not going to go over your resume like a 10th grade English teacher,
but considering this is a important job demanding a professional, bad
English skills won't help you.


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at         o-----------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer         | "Hoo-wee different color iMacs...       |
| Network Systems Management |  excuse me while iYawn with iBoredom.   |
| Sprint Communications      |  They're still iSlow and catch on       |
o----------------------------|  iFire."                                | 
                             |  -- An anonymous Be, Inc. employee      |

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